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What is the Digital Kit Program?

Un programa dirigido a pymes y trabajadores autónomos, impulsado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital que los acompaña en el proceso de transformación digital, guiándolos en la implantación y adopción de soluciones tecnológicas.


El programa cuenta con un presupuesto de 3.067 millones de Euros, financiado por la Unión Europea a través de los fondos de Next Generation EU.

Con el Kit Digital podrás tener acceso a un gran catálogo de soluciones digitales y agentes digitalizadores -como Futit Services- que te ofrecen estos servicios y puedes elegir el que más se adapte a las necesidades de tu empresa.


El Programa forma parte del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, la agenda España Digital 2025 y el Plan de Digitalización de Pymes 2021-2025.

What is my benefit?

The beneficiaries of the program will receive financial assistance -or digital bonus- for the digitization of their business, the amount of which will vary depending on the digital solution required and the size of the company.


Once the digital voucher is granted, you can manage it by choosing one or more digital solutions offered by the digitalizing agents that develop the services in the catalog. You can find all the digital solutions in the official website acelerapyme.gob.es.

Futit Services offers you

the possibility of obtaining the benefit to be used through our Etendo ERP platform with the following services:



Help for the development of an online store that will help you to sell your products through the Internet.


    • Catalog of Products and Services
    • Discounts and Promotions
    • Fees Management
    • Magento
    • Stock Management
    • Shipping Management
    • ERP Integration


Customer Management

Customer Management

Help to digitize and optimize the management of commercial relations with customers, such as the creation of a database that allows you to offer a personalized service to your customers.


    • Lead Management
    • Marketing actions Management
    • Customer Tracking
    • Sales Funnel


Business Intelligence and Analytics

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Help for the exploitation of your company’s data to improve the decision making process.


    • Power BI
    • Dashboard and general KPIs
    • Purchasing and Sales dashboard and KPIs
    • Stock and Warehousing dashboard and KPIs
    • Finance dashboard and KPIs


Process Management

Process Management

Assistance to digitize and/or automate business processes related to the operational or productive aspects of the beneficiary companies.


    • Business Process Modeling
    • Automation and Workflow
    • System Integrations
    • Reporting


Electronic Invoice

Electronic Invoice

Help to digitize the flow of invoice issuance between beneficiary companies and their customers.


    • API for third parties
    • Electronic invoicing from Etendo ERP


Virtual Office services and tools

Virtual Office services and tools

Support for the implementation of interactive and functional solutions that enable more efficient collaboration among the employees of the beneficiary companies.


    • Digital Forms and Surveys
    • Data Analysis
    • Notification Systems
    • Communications


Learn how to access the Digital Kit

If you meet the following conditions, the Digital Kit is for you!

¿Cuáles son los requisitos para acceder al Kit Digital?
  • Be a small company, microenterprise or self-employed.
  • Not to be considered a company in crisis.
  • Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
  • Not to be subject to a pending recovery order from the European Commission that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.
  • Not to be subject to any of the prohibitions set forth in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies.
  • To be registered in the Census of businessmen, professionals and withholders of the State Agency of Tax Administration or in the equivalent census of the Foral Tax Administration.
  • Not to exceed the de minimis aid limit -all subsidies granted by EU states of less than €200,000-.
  • Have the evaluation of the Digital Maturity Level according to the diagnostic test in the Acelera pyme platform.
  • Have the fiscal domicile located in Spain.
¿Cuál es el importe de la subvención del Kit Digital?

The amounts to be allocated in the aid for the digitalization of SMEs and the self-employed through the Digital Kit vary depending on the company segment and the type of technological solution in question.

Maximum amount depending on the business segment:


  • Segment I: Small companies:
    • from 10 to 49 employees.
    • Digital bonus per company: €12,000.


  • Segment II: Small or micro companies:
    • between 3 and 9 employees.
    • Digital bonus per company: 6.000€.


  • Segment III: Small or micro companies and self-employed individuals:
    • 1 to 2 employees
    • Digital bonus: 2.000€.

How to apply for the Kit Digital voucher?

Follow these simple steps!


Register at www.acelerapyme.es and complete the self-diagnosis test. In this way, we will know what level of digitization your company has in order to better help you and recommend services tailored to your needs.


Consult the digital solutions catalog, where you can choose one or more of the solutions offered by the digitalizing agents.


Apply for the Kit Digital help at the Red.es electronic headquarters and complete all the steps of the form.


Reduce your monthly costs by getting your dedicated team transferred and removing middle-men extras.

How to use your Kit Digital voucher?


Access the catalog of digitizing agents in this link. Search Futit Services in the catalog to know our digital solutions.


Contact us or your preferred digitizing agent, sign the digital solutions agreement and start your digital change.

If you have any questions, please contact us!